Important Philosophical Questions + POLLS

I think you forgot to mention one very important point: We don’t play on an even numbered board. What kind of abominable beast would? kappa

All of the primes are odd, except for the abomination that is two.


Depends on what I’m using them for. As a number base I prefer even numbers, generally. :smiley: I find odd numbers nicer when they’re splitting something up: best-ofs, 5 + 7 = 10 (z), &c…


Pick a random number (for the most interesting outcome, don’t change your vote after seeing the results):

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9

0 voters

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Turns out Google now has a built-in random number generator. Just Google “random number generator”

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It’s only pseudo-random… For true randomness I use cosmic background radiation.


I prefer lava lamps

Then again, this is always an option (anyone up for another game of Yahtzee)…

@discobot roll 1d10


:game_die: 2

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Obligatory xkcd:



Inspired by The Monty Hall Probllem:

Assume that you and your friend move to a new neighborhood. You know from the landlord that your new neighbor has two children. Upon arrival you see one of them. It looks like a girl. Your friend jokingly says “I’ll bet 20$ that the other one is a boy.”

Among the following options, what is the largest amount of money you are willing to put on the line to take the bet?

  • 0$
  • 5$
  • 10$
  • 15$
  • 20$
  • 25$
  • 30$

0 voters

please click this only after voting

I think this is a misapplication of the paradox, and the wording has to be very careful for this: you see one of them is a girl, which means you saw an individual of them of whom is a girl, and the other one is completely independent of the first. If the neighbors had told you they have “at least one girl” that would be slightly different.

It’s a very subtle paradox to work with, but the method of obtaining information is key


I chose $15 because I want positive non-zero EV before risking money.


Why not choose $0? Free money!

Of course, I think the intention is to ask what amount would result in a fair wager. There may be some issues with the wording.


Largest amount was asked for.

I’m just interested in the poll result and thought it’d be a fun experiment. I don’t claim to state the scenario in a rigorous manner. I do believe though that I clearly stated how the information is obtained.

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Yes, and some might not be willing to take any risk…

Why not increase EV and reduce risk??

Because then I wouldn’t be wagering the largest amount I’d be willing to, which is what the question asked.


In response to reader criticism of the question posed in 1959, Gardner said that no answer is possible without information that was not provided.

So the question is as vacuous as laurel / yanny, or if one sees two faces or a candlestick in a drawing?

Bugcat asked: So why state the question? […]

Uh … for fun? :man_shrugging:

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So asking

X + 2 = Y, find Y

is fun?

You don’t have the data so what’s the point?

Or rather, the interpretation is ambiguous. It’s like saying

I did something to the number 10 and got Y, what is Y?

It’s simply ambiguous. It’s not like one can really have an opinion on it…