Improving other-language versions of OGS

Hi All,

I’ve been thinking that a good way to get more, stronger players onto OGS would be to have Japanese and Korean versions of the site available. Maybe we could put out a call for translators? Or if that doesn’t work, maybe we could raise funds to hire a Korean and Japanese translator?

Additionally, a first-time visitor to the site might not realize that there are foreign-language versions available. So a Chinese-speaking go player might be turned off and try a different server. If a button to change the language were visible in the login screen, and on the main screen, that might make the server more friendly to speakers of other languages.


I believe the default language is the language that one has in their browser settings. So anyone using their browser on their native language would automatically get their language if it is available on OGS.

This seems to be the current status of OGS translations.


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