Incorrect result

Referenced game here

Bot (W) passed and I (B) passed because I felt I had clearly won, chart also reflects B+15.8 at the time of passing, the result is W+10? Would like to know if it’s a glitch or a lesson learned.

Appreciate the help

The game is not quite finished. Note that the border is open around G9, which is why Black’s territory is not scored.

The chart shows an estimate of what the score may be, if the game is finished.


A lesson learned that your should not pass if you think your are winning. You should only pass if you think the game is finished and ready for scoring with no more productive moves left, all group statuses settled and all territory fully closed off. The AI score prediction/chart is NOT the score that would happen if you pass right now, it is a prediction of the scores if 2 superhuman strength players took over the game and continued to play until those conditions I listed for passing are true. In this game that was just a few moves away, in other cases it’s hundreds of moves away.

(the bot passing was the bot being silly and a bad example)


Appreciate it! One more lesson learned. Thanks yall.