Does anyone know of literature or content about how to invade a moyo? I would appreciate any guidance.
Does anyone know of literature or content about how to invade a moyo? I would appreciate any guidance.
Also on smartgo books ~ 12$
There’s a few of Yilun Yang’s Workshop lectures that deal with moyos also, also available on smartgo.
His Fundamental principles of Go will have some bits also.
Kind of a shameless plug, but for a DDK level, you might find some basics on how and (sometimes more importantly) when, in this book (it is free):
pages 101 to 140 - “Attacking and defending”
Mateusz Surma shares a few thoughts on the subject in this video:
There’s also the book about making sabaki Sabaki. The Art of Settling Stones, which I’ve heard is rather good though haven’t read yet.
Also in digital format :
I have Yoda Norimoto’s book on the subject:
It is a bit too much for my level, so I’d say sabaki for DDK might be somewhat overbearing.
Ooh, I hadn’t known about this book, thanks ! It looks good.
Oh yes, sabaki might be challenging depending on the level, though probably some basic/general concepts can be helpful to know at some SDK or DDK level (like using sente moves or ataris to force a good shape, trying to attach to create aji and attach+hane or attach+crosscut when not sure what to do to make life in areas with a lot of adverse stones… (it often gives you more sente ataris, cutting points and aji to play with to make shapes) )