Invitation to play Go variants

The difference I see to 3-colour go, is that two players can’t really gang-up to quickly capture chains of the third, because each of your colours can only be attacked by one other player (more or less).

In a way, it seems the important characteristic of stones here is the colour they don’t have, rather than the colours they have :slight_smile:


Put differently: Green can’t be attacked by Red or Blue, but rather by “Not-Green”.


First completed game of Drift: Go Variants

This is honestly an interesting variant, although it’s a bit difficult to keep track of the stones - I’m not used to them moving :wink:
I’m unsure about the game end criterium, there might be situations where two passes are not enough (i.e. one player would play a move after say 4 passes).
But I’m looking forward to trying out other configurations with Drift, for example on a board with size 2N, and a shift of N, where the board alternates between two states :slight_smile:

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Wow, interesting, our stones got very close to each other (@martin3141 's and my stone), I realised only after playing that stone that if green-blue might try to make the 2-point extension it would actually be an interesting contact battle ^^

Meanwhile @Jon_Ko is constructing a rather big framework peacefully in the south-west ^^


That looks interesting ! Would you like to start a game or two ? ^^

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Gladly! Here’s a game with 10x10 and (x, y) shift = (5, 0)
Have fun! :slight_smile:

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Have fun ! :slight_smile: Looks interesting so far, I’ve never tried this variant before ! ^^

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I just realised something. Territory that only one player surrounds will be scored for two players, right? (Because it’s territory of both colours of this player)
For example if @Jon_Ko finishes all the territory in the lower-left, then I suppose I would also get points for it!?

Yeah, I wonder what kind of incentives this creates.


Assuming* the board will ultimately be split into territories of (Blue | Red), (Red | Green), (Green | Blue), my thinking is that I (Green) win if and only if (Blue | Red) - which is the only territory that does not add to my score - is the smallest territory. That’s why I’ve decided to attack @fuseki3 (Blue | Red) in our current game.

justification for assumption*: At the end, If there is a territory that counts for only one colour, then it’s adjacent to two colour-combinations, and hence the third player can play into it, having support of both of their colours.


@martin3141, @fuseki3, do you want to finish this Game?


Yes, sure – sorry for the delay in my moves, I’ve been very busy the last weeks ! I will do my best to make more moves. ^^