Is AI review disabled permanently in demo games

I used to be able to get different suggestions from AI after a move is played. Just now I opened the demo, that feature is totally gone.

This applies to a fully AI analyzed played game too.


I have the same feeling in my human VS human games: after a game is over, I used to review my game with AI at specific moves.
Before, suggestions were actualised after every move. now, AI only suggest a sequence and does not update suggestions at all


I thought it was because I have analysis off and didn’t pay attention, but I’m having the same problem.

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I think @anoek would need to comment on why we’re seeing this.

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I am having the same issue. The main AI analysis takes place successfully when I click the blue “Full AI Review” button. However, the variations I place on the board afterward to see what the AI’s reasoning is won’t give any feedback. I have the strongest AI playout tier and have tried waiting hours for the robot to think, to no avail.

Sorry all, should be fixed now, just an oversight in the last update


it works now, thanks!


no worries, thanks for the fast update :slight_smile: