Is there a Polite way to say that game is already decided?

Or just do it like Mr Shaibel:

You: “You resign now.”

Opponent (whining): “No! I wanna finish”

You: “NO! YOU LOST! THE GAME IS OVER!” (Click resign for them, leave immediately without another word)


This is why we need gifs in the game chat!


Move 69 in a match between Chitoku and Genjo (White) in May of 1812.

The move, which prevented a cut that White could not yet make, was equivalent to filling in a dame. It is thought that Chitoku did this to ensure an eye at a and hint that Genjo should resign.

This move is famous as the “ダメの妙手” (dame myoshu).

I think I’ve read before that it was Go Seigen who first called it that.




What it means, I think, is that Black can have an eye by playing a any time he wants.


Bl. a, c, b and Black has an eye.

If White tries to falsify with Bl. a, b, c, b then Black just descends to d and captures the two stones.

However, if Black hadn’t played O then White a would’ve destroyed the eye in sente by forcing against the cut.


The question to me is why not play a instead of connecting? It would let b make an eye too

If Black plays a without O then White plays b (with atari, no less) and destroys the eye.


My brain is a bit overrunning. (a) would satisfy the 2 conditions but for one turn only, because w capture will just annihilate the eye in sente next. So yes connecting is the only (and beautiful) move.

What do you think about a game “auto-resign” setting? If a player agrees to a match with this setting, once a player’s win rate drops below 1% (or some other threshold), they automatically resign. Just an idea.

Player can refuse to resign for valid reasons, not respecting opponent can hold the lead legitimately. Handicap games for example. Even the even games, it could be too complicated.

When I couldn’t stand my opponent, which is very rare, I resigned myself. Easiest way out in my view.

Judging the situation of the game is the most difficult thing. There are times I know I have a large lead, but don’t know how much. There are also times I think I am losing while I actually hold a lead. If the system gives me a win when I am at 99% winrate. It is possibly I did not realize that yet, thus gives me an unfair win.


Have you looked at the win rate of DDK games? They regularly oscillate between +/- 100% :smiley:


Something to not overdo. Can be seen as sandbagging and at least breaking the rating system.
Besides there should be some limit in this too, as you said, it can be even too easy to behave like this: o I don’t like mirror go. That ppl didn’t say hi. I don’t like his name. I want to play with players only stronger as me…


Here’s a new spin on the question. What if you’re TD and the game is holding up the tournament?


You can write a message to the players, kindly letting them know that they are holding the tournament.

I did that once. I wasn’t even the TD. One of them resigned immediately and did apologise for not having noticed that.
He was exceedingly kind.

Sometimes things get smoother than expected.


I guess it depends on settings.

In correspondence I’m not sure it matters if the players are actually playing within the allowed time settings and not using vacation etc on OGS. What’s another few weeks to start another round :slight_smile:

In OGS live type tournament, the system is so messy, even if one player or the tournament director is ready for the next round to start it probably doesn’t mean all players are.

In IRL, or over the board tournaments, one should probably space the rounds apart appropriately so all games are likely to finish before the next scheduled round starts.

I think one time I saw Oscar deep into a ko fight long after the other boards were finished for that round. I don’t think anybody was hurrying them up necessarily.


In US, the TD puts a gun on the player’s head and says: either you put two stones on the board or your blood will be on it.

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Can I haunt the goban?

I never saw anyone putting pressure on players to play quicker in a face to face tournament. Some players go early in the game in byo yomi simply because they are on difficult tracks, it happens and a silent group of kibbitzer gathers around while others move to chat and wait outside.

