Is there a way to "link" the time of chat line and the time of a move?

Hi, what I have in mind is the following situation: you end a game and later you want to review a fruitful chat that occurred. Something might have been said about the moves, like “You shouldn’t have done that” or “That was a good move” and you forgot about it, hence the need to review what was being said. While each chat message has a timestamp, the moves themselves don’t, right? Also, there’s nothing like clicking on a chat line showing you the closest move in time. Is there a solution for this?

In correspondence games, at least, the chats are bracketed by move markers:

… you can click on those.


Add /move_number to a game url to make a link to a particular move in that game.



But all urls still point to the end of the chat and there’s still no timestamp for the moves, am I missing something?

I think we’re missing something, not you :slight_smile:

I’m on an all-time-low for reading-comprehension at the moment: can you spell it out like I’m stupid, what is is that you want to happen?

(What we’ve showed is that:

  1. Chat contains links to the move that was on the board at the time that the comment was made - if you click “Move 61” in the chat shown in the screenshot, you arrive at move 61 on the boad.

  2. There is a URL you can put anywhere if you want to make your own URL for a move.



You actually gave me a solution, was it on my face the whole time even for live games? If it was, facepalm for me. I thought it was only for correspondence games. These bracketed lines by move numbers are enough, my bad. Since a lot of this chat in specific happened after the game ended I was fooled by myself, not seeing the move brackets :man_facepalming: