Is there any alpha go zero review game in this web? and how to find it?

Is there any alpha go zero review game in this web? and how to find it?
Also how can I access to any reviewed games?
Is there a filter to reviewed games? e.g. play by 1 dan+ or review by p or d

[囲碁] 棋譜並べ AlphaGo Zero vs AlphaGo Master Game 1 - YouTube (playlist)


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You can use the search tool. Some topic can link to comments/reviews .

I was sad to hear that bot games have apparently been removed from Waltheri.

It’s like if ChessGames removed the Deep Blue matches.

It was especially nice to have them there since Waltheri is, at heart, a positional search database. So one could say “oh, AG Master played such-and-such move, then a few games later a human played it against Master and it showed the response, and the next year it appeared in professional play…”


Why would they remove that information? Even if someone didn’t want to see that, implementing some sort of filter would have been better

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