Is there anyway to save this position for Black?

Hello everyone!
Is there anyway for black to save this position. If yes can you give me some variations? Thank you!

Your game is private, so not visible to us. However, there is a way to save the black stones:

If you atari the stone at G12, then white cannot save it because the four marked stones will die:


On the other hand, if white saves the marked stones, you can capture the atari and make an eye:


I would say the proper response is not to capture immediately, but extend instead:



Hey Vsotvep. I read most of the reply before it was deleted. It seems to be a good strategy… You are a genius!

Wait a second, is this game finished yet? I’m having some trouble finding it in your games list

yes it is. I played it with my brother. I’m not sure how to share links to games…

I guess there’s some bug with displaying the game in the list then, I’ll start another topic about it.

Anyways, I’ve put my answer back, see above.

Thank you so much man! I’m fairly new to the game go and I couldn’t figure the strategy on my own. I was thinking on F12 in the position but I don’t think it works…

F12 doesn’t work, but it’s not as easy to see. One way in which it doesn’t work:


Note that after white (2), you cannot play (3), since after white atari with (4) and black connect with (5), the stones are still in atari.

Thus (3) should be played at H13 to connect:


Then white can atari the stones with (4) and black can protect with (5). Both the black group and the white stones on the right have only three liberties left, thus this has become a capturing race. But it’s white’s turn, so they get to take away a liberty from the black group first:


White takes away one liberty with (1), so black needs to come out with (2). But white has a good move with (3): black still has only two liberties. Whatever black tries to do, it cannot run away, because it cannot get three liberties anymore, thus black will die.



Oh I see… always one move behind… You’re amazing man. Thank you for your time!

No problem!