Please join me in welcoming @RubyMineshaft to the moderator team!
Well, if we have to…
Welcome RM congrats
Welcome and Congrats!
Well deserved!
Congrats Ruby!
Thank you all! I’m beyond honored to be joining the team.
I swear I didn’t bribe anyone.
That’s a weirdly specific denial.
Welcome @RubyMineshaft. The first few days can be disorienting, but everyone gets their “sea legs” in the course of time.
Welcome @RubyMineshaft
Welcome and bon courage.
You got this! Welcome : )
I was looking around ogs and the forums for like 30 minutes wondering why rubymineshaft looked like a moderator. At first I thought he did some coding to fool everyone. I can’t believe I didn’t see this even though it was the top topic.
Anyway, Congrats!
Welcome aboard, @RubyMineshaft!
And don’t take me as a model moderator
Congratulations @RubyMineshaft! I deeply appreciate all of the work you fantastic moderators do to allow us to enjoy a game of Go! I am sure that you will be an amazing addition to the team!
Welcome to the team @RubyMineshaft! Glad to have you aboard.
I see I better rephrase my landlubber styled welcome to
Hi sailor, welcome aboard the HMS OGS!
Welcome @RubyMineshaft! I have full confidence you’re a great addition to the moderator team ship