Personally I think it would be worth making the post on r/badukshitposting first for shock value, then 4-24 hours later posting on r/baduk, but that whole kind of process is hit or miss anyway and likely won’t matter
@okonomichiyaki, I just added two final commits to the pull request (for link styling in dark mode and for showing the help window if not already seen).
Did you want to add a quick credit to help window, like a link to the GitHub?
Do you want to post on reddit later today?
How does this look?
I also replaced the raw link to OGS explorer with a BesoGo button, looks nicer. If it looks all right, I’ll push this.
If you would like to do the honors to post to Reddit, that would be great!
That all looks great!
Ok, I’ll post it on r/baduk soon. It looks like the other subreddit has really gone downhill, as of late.
I tweaked it a bit to link directly to BesoGo, is that okay?
I figure BesoGo should be front and center given the heavy usage
Thanks, that’s nice!
Ok pushed it. By the way, I recently discovered you can monitor the status of Github pages deployment in the actions tab:
Some promotion:
Here’s a funny coincidence… I’m like 90% sure this other post on the front page of r/baduk is using some code I wrote to customize stones:
edit: yeah, actually they even credit me in the header. I should send a PR though, I think they are doing some unnecessarily goofy stuff to redraw OGS’s goban
I wonder if we should turn this on as the default? Or go all the way to restricting submissions?
So, I think I’m almost ready to whip together an initial prototype of 9x9 fusekle.
There’s only some slight plumbing issues of presenting the puzzles from the old format, but that should be straightforward. From a technical perspective, I think the most natural thing is to copy app.js to a new file and adapt that to the fusekle specific game, while stripping out the josekle specific parts, particularly the handling for the old-and-new style way of encoding solutions. I think for 9x9 fusekle, we can get away with just using the simpler old style, since there is no corresponding OJE to reference.
What do you want the URL to look like?
I think it might be something like
, or do you want something else? Like maybe 9fusekle.html
. Alternatively, we could split into new repo to directly use something like
I think it’s a good idea to turn it on. Maybe just notify, since blocking submissions outright might be a bit frustrating, and we don’t have a way to track the info implicitly gained from rejected submissions.
Also, do we need a new icon for Fusekle??
It might look funny to have the “JO” replaced with “FU”
I think “Fusekle” is a decent name, I don’t imagine the same thing on 19x19 would be fun so no need to add 9 in the name.
One concern with the name is that the opening on 9x9 is very different from what we call fuseki on 19x19, since after only a few moves you usually end up either in a big fight or in an endgame.
Let’s keep Fusekle as the “project name”, and if someone comes up with something better we can switch before it goes public.
I like allowing all input sequences, although if we can state the length of the solution it would be nice to restrict inputs to that specific length. This would make the optimal strategy more interesting, and also makes it feel a bit closer to the original Wordle.
I hope the “oneColor” mode will also be available for Fusekle, I think that may even be the more enjoyable way to play!
Here’s what I’ve got in the sgf-file so far:
This is around 54 variations in total starting from 5-5, 5-4 and 4-4. I’m planning to add a similar amount for 3-5 and 3-4 which would bring the total up to 90-100. I think that should be enough to keep the game fun to play even if the same solutions start to repeat after 3 months (possibly in a new randomized order?).
Make it compulsory will deter a bit lower levels players . Put it by default with an option to deactivate is more human but less competitive, but then you can have an Indicator to others that you played the easy way ?
Completely blocking non-joseki will always be frustrating since there will inevitably be sequences missing from the dictionary, but I think just marking each guess in the sharable output as joseki or not would be enough to encourage people to try to stick to joseki.
One reason is not to restrict players to certain ways to play the game. But I think we should come up with a competitive mode, for people who like to compete.
Well, I guess it also relates to whether we want to reveal the length of the solution joseki, and about allowing flexibility of how people play. I guess since one-color mode is possible, some of the reasons for maintaining flexibility is not needed.
I think of the current version as a sort of public beta, with nothing set in stone.
I think it is possible to both reveal the solution length, and restrict input submissions to be exactly same length, but I would want to do both changes, if any.