Game 124 (NZ rules, 7 komi) is a game with four 3-3 invasions. Black connects up two of his 3-3 invasions to make a 38-point territory on the left side, whereas white uses her top right 3-3 invasion to capture black’s invaded corner. The game ends as a draw.
What I enjoy most about game 125 (7 komi, NZ rules) is black and white breezily floating around the bottom side. After move 184, black realizes he’s firmly behind by at least 2 points, so he starts wasting ko threats.
@Maharani, I notice you are not getting much feedback on this thread, so let me tell you I adore this project, even though I haven’t looked at a single game in detail yet.
I’m not much into replaying games, but if I ever start doing that (not that unlikely in the long run), I’ll know these games are here.
BTW, for people who want to review, it might be great to have a list of the several videos about these games somewhere.
Now I feel guilty for not looking at more of them
Game 126 (7 komi, NZ rules) sees black having to make sabaki in white’s top side moyo.
In game 127 (7 komi, NZ rules), white ends up in a single group, whereas black gets four corners and a two-point center dragon. (Not as clickbaity as my description of game 116!) Oh, and it’s a draw this time.
Here are two (NZ rules, 7 komi) games (in the same .sgf) that Kata continued from “random”-feeling positions constructed by lightvector (KataGo’s creator):
In game 128 (7 komi, NZ rules), black gets four corners again, plus a 20-point center territory… and wins by 2 points.
Next up, some small-board high-playout fun!
A 15 x 15 game:
A second and third 9 x 9 game (added to the same .sgf as the first one):
A fourth 13 x 13 game (added to the same .sgf as the first three):
A 10 x 10 game (6 komi):
And lastly (for now), two 17 x 17 games (in the same .sgf):
Figuring that since black got to play a “slight mistake” on move 1 (white winrate 52 % for black opening with either 4-4 or 3-4), in fairness white should also get to play slight mistakes on move 2 (any move between white 52 % and black 52 % winrate). Games 42, 43, and 129 through 141 (7 komi, NZ rules) continue after black opening 4-4; starting from game 142, they will continue from black opening 3-4. Our overall tally prior to these “slight white mistake on move 2” games was 26 black wins, 52 draws, and 48 white wins, for an effective white winrate of 58.7 %. — Game 129 is one horrifically, breathtakingly complicated fight that erupts from a 3-3 invasion in the top right. An unbelievable draw.
In game 130 (7 komi, NZ rules), black builds a large top side moyo that white begins to reduce with a casual 7th-line shoulder hit at move 22. Black wins by at least 56 points.
In game 131 (7 komi, NZ rules), white builds a 20-point center territory from her previously pincered group. Black explores some fascinating aji in the bottom right starting at move 83.