The first 28 moves of game 105 (7 komi, NZ rules) look like two DDK players each building a ridiculous moyo… then the fun starts, including lots of crazy sacrifices. At move 213, KataGo still thinks the game is even, but white ends up winning by 24 points by means of a ginormous seki.
@Clossius1 , AGA 3d did a 25-minute video review of this game!
I’ve included all of his (commented) variations, plus more KataGo variations, in the OGS review as well.
Unlike the previous two games with only two living groups per player, game 106 (7 komi, NZ rules) ends up with four living groups per player, including three groups that live with 4 or fewer points. White wins the game by 2 points.
Game 108 (7 komi, NZ rules) saw a very complicated fight on the right side spiral into the center. At the last minute, a ko results in the surprising trade of eight black stones on the right side for nine white stones in the upper left corner. The game ends as a draw.
In game 109 (7 komi, NZ rules), after move 86, it looks like black could make a solid 30-point territory on the right side if he defends. But black doesn’t defend, and by the end of the game is reduced to only 5 points there, while white has made 18 points in the area herself. A fun ko starts at move 207 and is fought for almost 80 moves. White wins the game by 2 points.
The first 16 moves of game 110 (7 komi, NZ rules) look remarkably human to me. Move 69 is a tesuji and a half. By move 129, black has three corners and a large center moyo, but white makes sabaki in there and reduces it to nothing. Move 142 results in beautiful local symmetry. The endgame sees both players happily wasting ko threats, signifying a draw.
Game 112 (7 komi, NZ rules) sees white exploring some mysterious aji in black’s bottom right corner. Move 93 is a signature KataGo move, with black beginning to make sabaki in white’s sketched-out moyo. By move 154, white is firmly 2 points ahead, causing black to lose his will to live and lose by at least 12 points thirty moves later.
In game 113 (7 komi, NZ rules), black amusingly keeps ignoring white’s bit-by-bit reduction of his large left-side area in order to profit in the bottom left corner and center instead. The game ends as a draw.
In game 114 (7 komi, NZ rules), by move 88, black has built a giant top left moyo and white has built an equally giant center bottom moyo; then they invade and reduce each other in equal amounts. Move 78 is rather spectacular. The game is a draw.
Game 115 (NZ rules, 7 komi) escalates into an all-consuming center fight after black deviates from the top left joseki to cut at D14. After move 216, black decides that, since he’s at least 1 point behind, he might as well lose by 12 points.
I’d call that 3.5 corners at most, and for me “lives in the center” implies a group that isn’t connected to any of the corners (although a side would be okay if not too narrow), or is connecting two opposite parts of the board. These are all tendrils stretching inward from the corners.
(I mean, exaggerating the sale pitch worked on me: this is the first one of these games I’ve actually clicked through on in a while to see what happened!)
In game 117 (7 komi, NZ rules), move 45 got a 0.05 % rating from the policy network. After a lot of fighting, by move 185, KataGo realizes that black is at least 2 points ahead. White loses her will to live, and the game by at least 72 points.
@GoDave89 , EGF 4d has done a 60-minute video review of this game!
I’ve included all of his (commented) variations, plus more KataGo variations, in the OGS review as well.
Game 118 (7 komi, NZ rules), starting around move 43, turns into a whole-board fight. A ko starting at move 207 lasts for 50 moves. Black and white end up with four living groups each, and the game is a draw.
In game 119 (7 komi, NZ rules), after a complicated fight on the bottom settles by move 98, another huge fight starts on the left at move 99. Once all the dust settles, the game ends as a draw.
@TangJieHao , CHN 5d has done a 45-minute video review of this game!
I’ve included all of his (commented) variations, plus more KataGo variations, in the OGS review.
In game 120 (7 komi, NZ rules), by move 92, black and white have cooperated to build a fence in the middle of the board, and they stay true to this arrangement. Black ends up sacrificing 28 stones on the left side of the board while white sacrifices 12 stones on the right side. In the end, four territories remain on the board; one is worth 15 points, one is worth 49 points, one is worth 64 points, and one is worth 91 points. A very satisfying draw.
In game 121 (7 komi, NZ rules), white tenukiing the bottom right joseki to grab a quick corner at move 8 leads to an early complicated fight. The game ends as a draw.
@TangJieHao , CHN 5d has reviewed this game! I’ve included all of his (commented) variations, plus more KataGo variations, in the OGS review.
Game 122 (7 komi, NZ rules) is a mindbendingly insane game of which @Goinside (KOR 1p) said: “It looks like they are playing another game than go!” It ends as a draw.
@TangJieHao , CHN 5d has done a 55-minute video review of this game!
I’ve included all of his (commented) variations, plus more KataGo variations, in the OGS review.
Game 123 (7 komi, NZ rules) is a game of strange shapes. Tough for my 10k brain to summarize what’s going on. After move 232, black realizes he’s firmly behind by 2 points, and resigns six moves later.