Keyboard-only move entry during games

Is there anything in OGS, or in some browser add on or OGS client, that would let me enter moves only via keyboard during games?

I have bad nerve issues in my arms, which prevent me from using a keyboard or touchscreen comfortably. I mostly use my computer via dictation software, which can spoof keyboard commands pretty easily.

Ideally the tool would allow me to enter “a15” in a small text input, see the move previewed on the board if it is a valid move, and then press some key like enter or ctrl-enter to confirm (and ideally, then keep the cursor in the text input so that I wouldn’t have to click back in).

I know there used to be a browser add on a while ago that allowed you to place stones via the arrow keys, but I tried to install that extension and it didn’t work anymore. (I think it is also a bit less elegant than the UI above, since I’d have to keep saying “left left left left left…”)

Edit to add: I’ve tried VoiceGoban, but since it uses its own voice recognition engine, I found it somewhat unreliable in understanding my speech.


We don’t have it.

I feel sorry about that.

We should, I’ve popped it into “my list”, although that is a long list :crying_cat_face:


I know this is not what you asked for, but would this be something that could be somewhat helpful for you?


Interesting! I’ll check this one out and see if it works for me.
Edit: I tried it out and it recognizes my voice correctly, but nothing actually happens in the OGS game after I make a command, unfortunately.


Interesting. I tried clicking the link and all I get is

503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.
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