Kibitz for Diplomatic Go: The First Game

I’m guessing le_4tc looks likely to win?

Martin is looks like they are suiciding their group by filling eye space, and it feels like Haze doesn’t have very many options for legal moves.

In theory Vsotvep can try to get ahead with kind of 1v1 endgame vs le_4tc but they started behind on points right? I think they have had some pretty clever ideas about move orders and collisions so it could be doable.

Let’s look at some snapshots. White looking more comfortable early on/less cramped, less fighting.

Again, makes sense to team up so White doesn’t run away with a big slice of the board and probably enough eyespace to live

Is White still the biggest threat anymore? (Maybe, maybe red is still killable)

Should we think about stopping red getting four eyes? Blue needs to secure his own group for a few turns first. White probably can’t get more than two eyes.

Blue needs to secure shape against white and black. Black and yellow more or less dead but could still be useful to stop red getting more eyes.

Some tension with white and blue. Saving/capturing the two stones makes sense. Presumably black stones would get captured on the right.

Maybe someone should’ve convinced yellow to play certain moves. I mean unless red asked them to play this?

Maybe the person with three eyes should be limited so they can’t become un killable?

Big discussions about draws by white and blue looking stronger, but are we going to let red get four eyes? Aiming to be unkillable should be an advantage right?

White should be killable, blue killable, red getting to four eyes is making it harder to be killable, will require teamwork of every other player. White could make a temporary three eyes but the two eyes in the corner could be falsified with team work.

Capturing the four yellow stones will be bad unless there’s a good follow up play. Yellow is out, black is more or less out but could be instrumental in capturing, blue and white killable in theory with teamwork. Red in a strong position.

I think we’re letting red get four eyes and possibly some miscommunication.

I would be demotivated as white, red getting the option for four eyes after capturing yellow, white colliding with black, blue not wanting to help against red and playing dame to gain an endgame point. It might look like white could have a points lead (close to reds count), but a points lead with a killable group? That and you don’t feel like blue is likely to work with you over red.

Especially when it gets this far. You have only two eyes a white. Your possible ally black needs to self Atari to even fill a liberty of blue who has three eyes. You need to get cooperation of both red and black to kill blue to really stand a chance.

Unless you’re good at diplomacy (and white tried and failed earlier with draw negotiations) it’s unlikely the game gets to counting with white still alive, since they have quite a number of points in area. So you have to try negotiate a draw again maybe?