Time for today’s workouts. The Vocab Workout is about treasure.
Vocab Workout
In the pirates’ treasure chest are:
- Silver and gold coins
- Inscribed rings
- Purple dye
- Pearl necklaces
- Cut rubies and amethysts
- Goblets
- Saffron
- Indian diamonds
- Jade elephants
- Ancient scrolls
- Conches
The Grammar Workout is all about the English word “through”.
Grammar Workout
- I looked through the window.
- The oar slid through the water.
- The elephant smashed through the spear-wall.
- The procession passed through the streets.
- The flour filtered through the sieve.
bugcat's Latin solution (vocab and grammar)
In arca gazae pīrātārum est:
I. Monēta argentea et aurāria
II. Torquēs īnscrībus esse
III. Purpura
IV. Monīlia margarītārum
V. Gemmae rubrae* et amethystī sculptus esse
(* I can’t find a Classical Latin word for ruby, but they probably had one.)
VI. Scyphī
VII. Crocus
VIII. Adamantēs Indiae*
(* India is marked as Late Latin, but the region was well known in Classical times.)
IX. Elephantī lapidis nephriticī
Or perhaps: Elephantī lapidis viridis
(* There seems to be no single word for jade.)
X. Pergamēna antīcae
XI. Conchae
I. Per fenestram perspicī.
II. Per aquam rēmus illāborat.
III. Per mūrus tēlī elephantus irrumpit.
IV. Per viās pompa trādūcit.
V. Per cōlum farīna cōlus.