Language Learners' Library

Today’s kanji are about food. Thanks to Jisho / Wiktionary.

(Or, entertainment for Vsotvep’s girlfriend. Apparently the Japanese love being surprised by hyogaiji.)


腌 鹺 鹽

These also mean salt.

醓 醢

salted meat. Notice how the second one has 塩 within it.

tsukemono (salt pickles). I like this kanji, it’s simple and mundane.


hot soup

魨 鯸 鮐 鯺

blowfish. Notice they all have the fish kanji.

rice, as every Japanese beginner knows

rice gruel. This kanji’s kind of quick, can’t see much use for it these days though.


硴 蠣 蛎 鮚 蠙 蚵 蠔

oyster. Interestingly, most of these use the radical 虫 (insect). A glimpse into the ancient Chinese mind?