Language Learners' Library

Language Challenge: The Banquet

Prepare a feast menu!

Epula Romāna

Vīnum Pompei ōrum
Panis et olīvae
Locustae in melle

Starter Course
Pompeiian wine
Bread and olives
Locusts in honey

Coena Piscium
Vīnum Cos ōrum
Polypī frixus cum sāl
Scomber cum citrī
Ostreae in allēce cum ālia

Fish Course
Choan wine
Fried octopus with salt
Mackerel with citron
Oysters in fish sauce with garlic

Coena Agrōrum
Vīnum Hispāni ae
Glirēs frixus et asparagī
Jus carōtārum cum sinapis
Sturnī in tortō

Field Course
Spanish wine
Roast dormice with asparagus
Carrot soup with mustard
Starlings in a pie

Coena Carnis
Vīnum Graecum
Bubula frixus et carōtae
Cygnus frixus et fabae
Hirundinēs in anatibus in aprō cum pōmī

Meat Course
Greek wine
Roast beef and carrots
Roast swan and beans
Starlings in ducks in a boar, with apples

Coena Dulcis
Vīnum Ceretanum
Pira calda in vīnum cum gingiber
Cerasa et ūvae in catīllī

Sweet Course
Ceretanese wine
Hot pears in wine with ginger
Bowls of cherries and grapes