Language Learners' Library

Sheep-Crook and Black Dog, Steeleye Span, 1972

Or, Uirga et Canis

Chorus (x2):

Canem átrum et meus uirgam, tibi reddó.
(Here’s my sheep-crook and my black dog, I give them to you.)

Meus saccum et ínstrúmenta, salué loquor.
(Here’s my bag and my budget, I bid it adieu.)

Canem átrum et meus uirgam, relinquó.
(Here’s my sheep-crook and my black dog, I leave them behind.)

Belle laure, bella flórés, tú mala pródistí.
(Fair laurel, fair floral, you’ve proved all unkind.)

Meus Gallá grátae haec uerba loquorí,
(To my dear Dinah these words I did say,)

“Amáns crás maritábimus, crástimus est diem.”
(“Tomorrow we’ll be married love, tomorrow is the day.”)

“Properat nimis Quínte, aduléscéns sum,”
(“T’is too soon dear Willy, my age is too young,”)

“Únus diés sub núptiam est celer diés.”
(“One day till our wedding is one day too soon.”)

Plus two other verses. Some liberty taken to keep a feeling of the original rhythm.

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