Language Learners' Library

The Cunning Crow, a simple & short story adapted from youtube – translate it into your target language and practice the past tense!

Córníx Callida
(The Cunning Crow)


Félis rúfa in téctó sedébat.
(A ginger cat was sitting on a roof.)

Córníx ad félem éscendit, tum citó recédit.
(A crow flew up to him, then quickly retreated.)

Illa félem altera tum appetit.
(Then it approached another cat.)


Caudam félis átra ter ródit.
(Three times it pecked the black cat’s tail.)


Félis átra asperátus est et félem rúfam petit.
(The black cat became enraged and attacked the ginger cat.)

Córníx oblectus est, uídit.
(The crow watched on, amused.)