Language Learners' Library

Japanese summer vocab

See, I’ve read enough Dagashi Kashi for this~

アイスクリーム // ice-cream (loanword from English)

ラムネ (らむね) // ramune (loanword from English (lemonade). A nondescript but very popular soft drink, distinguished by its wide range of flavours and marble-sealed Codd-neck bottle.

角氷 (かくごおり) // ice cube

かき氷 (かきごおり // shaved ice. Simple powdered ice with a flavoured syrup poured over it, essentially an unmixed slushie.

(せみ) // cicada. As an ancient term, there are ofc a number of hyogaiji variants.

鍬形虫 (くわがたむし) // stag beetle. In the summer, young Japanese boys collect these beetles from trees and and encourage them to fight one another. Stag beetles can sell for surprisingly high prices on the internet, which perhaps diminishes from the spirit of the custom.

流しそうめん // nagashi somen. These are noodles dropped into a stream of cold water which runs down a bamboo half-pipe; the diners pluck out the noodles as they descend the flow.

(はま) // beach. Interestingly, this also means “captured Go stones”.

水着 (みずぎ) // swimsuit