LG Cup Gate

Who said go has less drama than chess?


Most of the drama comes from Ke Jie lol

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And meme comes from Byun Sangil. Still remember his match against Choi Jeong?


Do the rules say what should happen if you have too many captured stones to fit in the lid?


Here’s a video from BadukTV which highlights the situations. Pro Yeonwoo also has a video explaining it. All in Korean.

Hmm weird. This doesn’t seem to be the latest one as it doesn’t match the content in the announcement.

It is from the KBA official website, but I was on the mobile phone, so it was on the mobile page

This is their normal page

It looks like they did change it, but only on their main site, instead of the whole site.

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The main site page, even has the date of the change

  • 본 규정은 2024년 제3차(제42차) 운영위원회가 개정하여 2024년 11월 8일부터 적용한다.

Nov 8, 2024

And the mobile site hadn’t been changed since 2018

Right, this is the correct one.

I couldn’t find such a rule, but I haven’t seen such games where there are too many captured stones to fit in the lid. At most it’s stacked up high, but not overflowing.

Maybe if it is really overflowing, they just need to show the action to try to put it in the lid. Just guessing.

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A lid can stack a surprising amount of stones.

This is a flat lid with 40 stones, and it only started to “rollover” when I placed like 35 or so, and can still slide some in. A lid that has a bottom certainly can fit more (maybe 50+).


Pro Yeonwoo reading the Chinese comments live lol


If you are going to make finicky rules about captures going in lids and punishing people for not following it, you need to make the rules robust for such edge cases (agree it’s rare to have so many captures, but is possible with very long kos or huge dragon semeais).

Also there is a rule / convention in UK tournaments that if the opponent asks you must take the stones out the lid to let the opponent clearly count how many there, as you need to know how many captures to do a score estimate.


I had a first-hand account of how even the most straightforward rule can have a problem unexpectedly. Everyone knows a game can end in resignation if you signal the opponent. And it was the case for the resignation regulation forever, and only several years ago we ran into a case where a kid started crying halfway into the game, and the opponent thought the game was over and left the seat to record the winning (besides, if you run into an opponent start crying and don’t play the next move for a long time, I don’t think you would want to just sit there). But when the parents came to check on the crying kid, they claimed that the kid didn’t say they’ve given up, but the opponent just left them and didn’t continue and there is no regulation as to not crying during the game, and no official regulation as to what not counts as “signaling resignation”.

Afterward, we had to implement a new regulation before players went to the judges to record the win, they must first signal the judges and wait and record the game before it can be called. This means judges now had to physically go to many games where the players just had to sit there and not move before it could be called. And no game can be counted as resignation unless both agree that the game is over with witnesses. This drastically increases how each round needs to take, and the workload of judges and workers on site.


The most fun comment I heard is that, in the future, a game cannot start when they don’t have bowls with lids.

Go set makers can now advertise the Go bowl with lid as certified by LG cup.


Lol, or maybe they can start producing special bowls to contain the prisoners. Even better if the bowl can automatically count the number of prisoners and display it.


It’s even reported on one of their news channels:


Or how about Ing bowls :slight_smile: Ing stones at Sensei's Library

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I thought Ing Bowls can only be used for Ing Rules? And maybe Chinese rules

A scale could display the weight of the stones.


Technically the rules are clear on how this should be handled but I guess they should find another solution because penalizing players for capturing too many stones is also not ideal.

I mean that rule is extremely vague. Also the solution you implemented seems to be a solution to a different problem. If the problem is actually just that there have been misunderstandings between players regarding the resignation then the solution would be to specify how to resign. Involving referees in this process would be a solution to a situation where players either cheat or if there are disagreements on clearly defined rules because the ruleset is to complicated or something like that.

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