Looking for a mentor/trainer

Hey friends, i’m relatively new to GO, playing for nearly 2 months now. So far i’m 11k after ~600 games.
I’d love to have someone stronger to play every here and there and also, much more important, talk about my mistakes and help me on analyzing my games.

If anyone is interested in doing so im happy to hear from you - native language is german but im also fine with english.


Put variations in your last game. Hope be helpful

Thanks. Yeah, that game i played really poor

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Can somtimes ask your opponent for a short review together. It’s good experience and help a lot to work a bit on your own gsmes, see good and bad ideas to not play them twice. After come bad habits you know…

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Thats a pretty good idea, will do!

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If so you can ask me more after. Just pm me.

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Thanks a lot!

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In this interlude 8 problems to solve. Easy done my guess. pm me when finished.

It would be great that you do teaching too. I mean as teacher you have a lot to teach to a 18k or lower. Teaching is teaching you too. Fix your ideas, practice thinking the game. Time to be
white giving handicap.
Most important: teach only a few things for 1 game. Don’t overcharge.


Really, thanks a lot for all you help.
I started teaching my wife :smiley: But yeah, i will look for other people those i can help with my knowledge, its a good thing not only for my own.