Looking for a teaching game honestly i doubt im even a 30 kyu

looking for a teaching game honestly i doubt im even a 30 kyu… but i love and want to learn as much
as i can about go and i hope anyone would be nice enough to help and support me. thank you.

a 30k is someone who knows the most basic rules of go, and nothing else, so hopefully you’re at least that strong. ^^ if not, then go here:


play through the tutorials and you’ll get a good grasp of the basics. complete that much, and I’ll be more than happy to play a 9x9 teaching game with you.

i know the basic rules i was just being depressing…

sorry and to be more descriptive i hardly have any experience playing other people… i just usually just play computers…

well, by all means send me an invite. correspondance, 9x9, whatever rule sets you like!

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Same here – I’m always looking to get better at teaching go.