Looking for Ing Stones (Five Years)

Dear Forum,

Does anyone have a set of Ing stones I could purchase?

I’ve been looking for a set of Ing stones for five years, I’d be grateful for your help! Please PM me if you have one you are willing to sell.

I’d be willing to buy just the stones without the counting bowls as well!

Thanks so much,
EH ! :smiley:

I have six or seven pairs of Ing bowls with stones, all heavily used, four or five of which I can’t even pry open. Those that I could open, have broken or stuck springs, and the stones are all quite worn and dirty.

I got them as a gift when years ago, and AFAIK they had been used in tournaments, for many years.

If you can come and fetch them they’re yours — I live in the Lüneburg Heath in North Germany.
But honestly, I think they aren’t worth even a travel of only 100 km (if you don’t count the rare opportunity to meet me, which ofc would be worth a journey of 20038 km :grin: )


DM’d! Thank you so much!! :slight_smile: What a nice person! I’m very grateful.