Made a dumb mistake

could I have won

I don’t think so. I backed it up a few moves to save your group and then played it out quickly, and you would lose by 20 points or more. I could be wrong, but I think it would be difficult to reduce White’s potential territory by enough to win.

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thanks I was wondering how much I lost there

You still focuses a lot on the center.
On a 19x19 if you take all the center who wins?
Draw a double boundary using black on the 4th line and white on the third line and count

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There was a great Basics game by Dwyrin, sometime in the last couple years, that beautifully illustrated that principle. His opponent took almost the whole center and lost. That was my first exposure to the idea. It ended my experimentation with the Cosmic Style in IRL games.


Yes, sometimes the view cheat us. I strongly encourage @kano4526 to put the stones on a demo board (will help to count too)

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hello did an experiment where I most of the corners


You need the all the corners / edges for them to be worth more than the center.
You did still win since your edges were higher than the fourth line.