Make "analysis disabled" the default (poll) - COMING SOON!

Edit: I misread something. Disregard. :slight_smile: (post below kept intact merely for reply context)

That’s a patently bad idea. You’re incentivizing live analysis against the preferences of most players (according to the admittedly non-random forum sample).

with my idea most games will have no analysis and anyone can do it so that they never encounter game with analysis. But those who like analysis will not suffer.

Poll was about default , not about forced

(answer for previous version of post above)

What you mean by “bad”? You wish to those who like analysis to suffer?

I was aware that it’s about the default. Currently 71% for OFF. :smiley:
But yes, a “no preference” option would apparently increase the potential player pool for OFF by ~14% and the potential ON player pool by a whopping 50%. Doesn’t sound so bad.

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Another thread about this, on facebook

@anoek, please address this, it’s pretty farcical now. If all the time people have been spent talking about this on various forums had instead been spent working a minimum wage job and donating the proceeds to OGS, you’d probably have received more money than subscriptions in a year.

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Please make analysis disable in auto match.

FWIW folks I hear ya, and the change will be made, looking at a couple of weeks out at the moment.


You are a hero! Really appreciate the effort that goes into this site.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ranked games should have the “Disable analysis” box checked as a requirement

Closing so that anoek’s answer doesn’t get buried with further discussion.

So shall it be written; so shall it be done.


And as per tradition, couple weeks apparently always means a couple of months