Making a learning group for beginners (in special Argentinians)

: hello stranger! I and a couple of friends are making a group , we’re looking for argentinian players in the double digit kyu ranks (or anyone who wants to improve by making friends in the process), our goal is to expand the game of go in our country by building a community that makes the game more enjoyable via tournaments games and all kind of stuff that would appear in our minds , if you know someone who is from argentina and plays go please make us know we would appreciate it :smiley: , also , if you aren’t from Argentina you can join us as well

¡Hola! Estoy armando junto a unos amigos un grupo de aprendizaje , queremos incentivar a los jugadores en los ddk (kyus de doble digito) para mejorar su juego mientras hacen amigos (si no sos ddk tambien podes unirtenos , hay sdk y algunos danes) , todo esto para fomentar el juego que tanto nos gusta en nuestro pais , tenemos pensado armar torneos y partidas o analisis , si queres unirtenos solo avisa , deberia responderte en poco tiempo :smiley: