Malkovich games

ive never actually played a malkovich game where both players commented frequently. comparing malkovich logs sounds like a fun way to study together though, so i want to try. i think 2 games is what im going for since i dont want it to be too much work.

anyone up for it :slight_smile:? preferrably 9k or stronger, relatively fast correspondence setting (with ca. +8h/move), doesnt matter if its ranked.


I’d be down … not 9k. Yet.

Id like to use the Malco log and then review. I play quick correspondence games, im in EST. Can’t play moves during work hours though.

Let me know if your game.


Hi @kickaha
I’d be interested in a Malkovich game. I once played one which was great fun! My rank is between 9k and 7k.
I’m going on holidays in a week, so I’m not sure if I can manage the time settings. But I’m usually a “quick correspondence” player.
If you’re interested send me a game request with the settings you’d like

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Sure. I’m about 6k.


@mtm6556 @Kabootle @S_Alexander
Nice :smile:. I will send you all challenges. whats one more game after all… more fun!


wow! the 3 malkovic games i played with the fine @mtm6556, @Kabootle and @S_Alexander are already finished. we did it in 3 weeks they are:

mtm6556(12k) vs. kickaha(8k) and the review

S_Alexander(4k) vs kickaha(8k) and the review

Kabootle(8k) vs kickaha(8k)

We are all hoping some nice folks are gonna provide additional feedback. any thoughts on the games themselves or the logs would be great. maybe they are even interesting to read :slight_smile:.

Thanks to my 3 opponents. it was a lot of fun!



it looks fun and instructive but isn’t a bit painful to read them ? Or please, how should I do guys ?

What is challenging to me is to have the complete Malkovich log from the very beginning plus the game replay in autoplay… It costs me a lot to link a commentary to a move number and a situation: I still can press pause and control the replay flow, though. But I have the feeling the replay starts again on its own after I clicked on “next move”.

Also, I need to have a look at the move number at the very bottom of the goban (the last stone doesn’t have any number label) and to the righ line from the Malkovich log and to the right move.

I’m not enjoying it as much as I would like. Am I the only one ? Is it something I’m doing wrong ?

Thanks for your answers :slight_smile:


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unfortunately the handling is “suboptimal”. cant say i know of a better method :worried:. do you know that the small numbers in the log that seperate the meassages are clickable? they will take you to the respective position on the board (but keep in mind sometimes the log entry can be written for the follwing move, sometimes for the one just played). dont know if that helps.

i myself have trouble even reading the log and seeing the board at the same time, because my screen is quite small. after the move tree appears i have about 4cm of chat window left :frowning:. i manage by going through the game with arrow keys and scrolling the chat window. but thats just for reading, not taking notes at the same time.

well maybe you can figure something out :slight_smile:. let me know if you do.
i hope you find a way to enjoy it! thanks for taking a look at it!

EDIT: Things should be a little easier now with the new interface. The board wont slide out of view anymore.

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Thank you @kickaha , I hadn’t spotted that feature :slight_smile: About clicking on a move :slight_smile:

To all: if one wants to challenge me for a very long correspondance and Malkovich game, I’d be pleased to participate in :slight_smile:

By “very long”, I don’t mean I plan to make it last forever, I’m quite active on OGS, I just don’t want to have my think time under pressure :slight_smile:


Sure. lets play a malkovich game! please just send me a challenge with the timesettings you had in mind.

thank you very much, expect my request in the next 12 hours :slight_smile:


Hi everyone,

Im looking for a couple of Malkovich games again, preferably against stronger players. but not necessarily :slight_smile:.
(I am ranked as a 1kyu atm.)

Let me know if you are up for it.


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It’s on! :scream: I will try not to embarrass myself.

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I don’t have time for Malkovich games. But I’ll be commenting on your game. How about that.


I’m down.


I will join

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Share the links so we can stalk them? :slight_smile: (unless of course it would be uncomfortable for you)

of course:

not uncomfortable at all (i hope xD), i was planning to share them.


I feel like there’s lack of high level malkovich games. Wouldn’t it be magical to have some classical games that a beginner could look at to see how high level player thinks?


OMG, you already lost.

Just kidding, lol