
Does anyone have any good ideas about how to stay motivated and not become discouraged?

I’m currently trying this advice: if you win, play someone your rank or one higher. If you lose, play someone one or two ranks lower.

This way, you should have a reasonable win rate, you are sharing experience downwards and gaining experience upwards and in theory having a balanced and rewarding time.

I’ve only just started, so I can’t swear it works, but I’m hoping…


Do something different. When you’re sick of playing, practice tsumego. When you’re sick of tsumego, read theory books. When the books become tedious, replay pro games or watch a video. This is all assuming that you do have time that you want to spend on Go :slight_smile:

Be methodical. Turn your game into a flawless routine that can keep you going even if you do lose interest mid-way. Opening reportoires, rote-learned endgame miai values, midgame priority checklists, in-your-head time limits (count seconds).

Get a teacher or sparring partner or a rival who can motivate you.


Keep perspective; don’t be afraid of taking a week off every now and again. It’s supposed to be fun!


Go for a walk