Multilingual Go Book Project: Updates and new chapters

I’ll be honest, I have no idea. :slight_smile:
All the language versions, other than the two “originals” (Greek and English), are being provided by very kind volunteers that like the whole concept and want the book translated in their own language. Once they finish a chapter, then I take the text and typeset it and make the appropriate changes so that the text fits. This means that unless there are people that know a language and want to help, I do not have the funds to pay and arrange a translation directly.

Maybe now that I have learned about the Baduk Department in Korea I might pitch them the idea of translating the book as part of their students’ English courses, but we’ll have to wait and see if the department survives first.

Frankly I always assumed that those countries have so much material and history on Go that it would be blasphemy to even consider putting this book out on those markets (a book by a 3k would probably sound laughable in those places where there are bookstores full of books by high dan pros) but, as you said, it is free after all, so it might end up being a useful option for some people. So, if there is a chance for that, I’ll definitely look forward in typesetting it.