My created games keep getting canceled

Not sure if this is the appropriate forum but I don’t know if the problem lies in the computer or the operator.

All of the games that I have created get joined by someone and then almost immediately canceled. So the only games I’ve been able to play here have been created by others. I’m creating ranked 13x13 correspondence games with the default time settings and Handicap/Komi/Color set to automatic.

Is there a bug in the system somewhere, or is it that every person that has joined one of my created games didn’t like the settings and canceled?

Thanks for any insight into this!

Hello. Rest assured, this is certainly the right place to ask :slight_smile:

Never heard about a similar issue. Since it seems it happened to only four of your games so far, I would attribute it to a streak of bad luck and new users being unfamiliar with the process.
If you would be so patient to try a few more games to see if the problem persists that would probably be the best course of action for the moment.
If the issue continues we will have to call our developers for this one.

Will do. Thanks!

In one of those games, you were black and did not make a move, so white may have gotten tired of waiting. In another, your use of a 1 handicap forced black’s first move on tengen, which he may not have liked. A 1 handicap is the same as B going first, but takes away B’s choice. In a third game, B typed “oh nvm” (never mind), so he chose not to play for some reason. All three of these appear to be player choices, rather than the system.