My easiest way to say hello and thank you for playing an opponent in a chat

Many of us tend to shorten phrases when chatting. I was always sick of all these “glhf”, “tygg” and other unpronounceable letter combinations.
And yesterday I had an idea how to make observance of etiquette as simple and elegant as possible.
I watched two people playing Go. When they greeted each other with light bows, I thought that their figures were similar to the signs < and > at this moment.
So the idea came up, why not use these signs in the game chat? For example, the < sign to say hello, and the > sign to thank your opponent for the game. Or another option: one of the opponents greets and thanks with the sign <, the other with the sign >.
In my opinion, this practice will be better than any unpronounceable letter combinations.



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Ummm…there are the chat shortcuts. :slight_smile:

which some people may be unfamiliar with.


Well, this topic was worth creating in order to find out that they exist. :sweat_smile:


Question: when I write chat shortcuts in my language to chat, does my opponent see them in their own language or in my language?

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They see what you wrote. There is no auto translate on OGS.

You can change the shortcuts by using the edit button.


Thank you a lot!

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I read foreign language text all the time. Concerning your original idea, I’m not a fan. And I do not mean to be rude. I personally feel that nothing says “I could care less about you or your feelings” than a single character greeting. I think anything worth saying is worthy of the time it takes to say it.

The modern culture of condensing sentences down to two and three letter groupings, delivered in seemingly incoherent strings, nonsensical whit after foolish jot, really irritates me. Taking that behavior further, whittling multiple words down to a single character… :nauseated_face:


I didn’t start it. I use full words in my chats. But all these abbreviations are ugly to disgust. In my opinion, a single sign is also not ideal, but it looks better than these disgusting abbreviations.

This always looks to me like a person who is surprised at the mark they found on their desk…


To be fair, I’d be surprised if I found @mark5000 on my desk too…

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To me too, but it’s a person bowing:


Yes, it’s a shame how crummy the Unicode emoji are in general :frowning:

Since when does a person bowing deeply have their hands up in front of their chest…

when they’re down on their knees instead of standing

Well this: :bowing_man: won’t work for in-game chat so how about: Ω

[edit] Not a serious suggestion. You would spend forever explaining what it meant.


Well, that answers the rhetorical question, but doesn’t make the emoji any better :wink:

I miss Skype :frowning:


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BLASPHEMY! Turn, fiend!

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OK - I mean “I miss Skye’s excellent emoji”. I don’t miss the application :smiley:


Tbf though i notice audio quality of it now is better than discord imo.