My favorite language is clearly the best and all others are horrible because

So i am the only one who uses R…? ^____^


Now that I don’t have mandatory stats classes anymore, yes :rofl:


Correct, v and b are on the bottom in qwerty, but they’re followed by n and m not p and w. p and w are on the top row.

Yeah. hjkl get spread out all over the keyboard. That’s why I bothered commenting on it because directional navigation keys are usually right next to eachother.

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Well, I haven’t used it since my last stats class, but if I felt the urge to do some statistics stuff, R is what I’d use.

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My hjkl are at jcvp. I changed it for fun once, now I only have regrets…


You should see what changing your keyboard layout does to kana input. :smiley:

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Oh, I input my kana in dvorak as well :wink:

Actually, I bought my current laptop in Japan, so it does have the kana written on the keys as well. It’s just not worth learning it when I already type fast in the Latin alphabet. And getting fast with Japanese on a mobile phone is hard enough :stuck_out_tongue:


I got converted to kana input upon hearing the reasoning that romaji input reinforces consonants and vowels as the basic unit of Japanese speech, when we want to be thinking in kana. I don’t want to think aru for the verb of inanimate existence, I want to think ある. Two kana, two morae, &c..

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Perhaps when I eventually switch back to qwerty I’ll give proper JIS input another try


I figure that I’ve learned Arensito, I am still passable on Qwerty even though I virtually never use it, and if I have to (or take the time to) change the kana layout, I’ll learn that. That said, typing is not the bottleneck for me writing Japanese: coming up with ways to express with the Japanese I know something I want to express is. :smiley:

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commit -m"I could not reproduce the problem, as I have faith."


Rust is high on the list of languages I want to learn next :crab: :crab:

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While it’s not strictly proramming, my favourite language is xhtml 1.0

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HTML is ok, but this is too topical:


I put “Programming” in the title because without it the title sounds slightly racist. It was apparently changed back, and without context, it sounds like you’re saying that all the other languages of the world are horrible.

It’s like that Reddit post on the r/FormulaOne subreddit, which was asking which car race was everyone’s least favorite, but it phrased it like this:
“Which race would you most like to eliminate and why?”

EDIT: you guys are right. It is not “racist” per se. I also see why it is not at all like the Reddit post I mentioned. I am leaving the above text in, so you can easily see what I originally wrote.

I had edited it to clarify that it was taliking about programming languages, as that might be a bit confusing. However, I see why you would want to delete my edit, considering I didn’t ask. /EDIT

Anyway, I don’t have a favorite programming language, all of them are equally problematic, some just more equally problematic than others :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Even if it were talking about spoken languages, it wouldn’t be racist to discuss which was our favourite. I don’t think this post is really similar at all to the grievous oversight on Reddit you referenced.
FTR I didn’t change the title, just saying I don’t think there are any problems with it.


I agree with BHydden that choosing a favourite (natural) language is not a form of racism. Would you really feel discriminated against when I say I despise the English language?

Quite often nowadays people seem to conflate criticism of a subject with discrimination against the followers / users / believers of said subject. It’s sad, because it both devalues what actual discrimination is, and it makes any nuanced discussion about a topic impossible.

Even the reddit post would fall under “unfortunate wording”, but given that it’s on the Formula One reddit, and obviously not about human race, it’s still not racist.


(a) I changed it back because I didn’t care for your formatting, or the fact that you didn’t ask me first. (b) even if we are talking about the other kind of language, is it not obvious that the phrasing “all other languages are horrible” is a bit tongue in cheek? After all, I was just quoting @BHydden!


My favourite language is Dutch.
And all the other languages are …


horrible? No not really. Some of them are beautiful, others are like if someone is slaughtering a pig, but most of them are fascinating.