New chat count faulty

If this is supposed to indicate the quantity of new chat, it isn’t working correctly:


I only had two chat channels open. ‘Help’ and the super-cool ‘Site Supporters’ channel. There was no new chat. :cry:

It’s a recurring bug and typically jumps straight up to a high number (is it auto-reloading?)

Environment: Windows8-Chrome.

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Unblock everyone on this list

and count again. Does the discrepancy persist?

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I’m pretty sure the counter has a faulty reset and marks everything open as unread until you click on the tab.

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An interesting thought smurph but the list is all false and has been for months. No change since I posted this: List of blocked users

Just wondering because it works fine for me (and my blocklist is extensive).

How would I reproduce the specific behavior?

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I’ve had this for ages. I think it auto-reloads when there’s connection disruption of some sort.


Are you suggesting that I need to block lots of people to fix the problem? :wink: I guess if I blocked absolutely everybody it might work. No new chat ever.

The problem occurs fairly regularly for me. Window8 with Chrome. Three windows open as per the picture and two chat channels. I’m currently testing with just one chat channel open to see if it still happens. Not yet. Edit: Bingo. (214) both with just ‘Help’ open and with just ‘Site Supporters’ open. Exactly the same count but not half of what was in the OP. ???

Yea I figured it’s better to block the people whose contributions have been garbage, that way I’m more likely to see something interesting or relevant which would otherwise be buried under the trash pile.

I only ever have 1 chat tab open - mostly English. But now that I think about it, perhaps I just don’t notice the difference in chat line numbers because I am used to seeing (200-600) and knowing it will only amount to a fraction of that, because I block lots of people who spam a lot of nonsense.

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Do you know what triggers the reset and do you know if it is already listed on Github as an issue? It would be easier to monitor chat channels (for mods too) if it was fixed.

I believe I reported this one really ages ago, though I don’t know if it is on github.

It happens to me regularly, but I don’t know how to reproduce it reliably.

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I know for a fact it happens every time anoek resets the chat server when he’s trying to smash some puny bugs… but I don’t know if that’s the only cause…

Edit: however, usually clicking on the channel is enough to fix it, so probably why it hasn’t been a huge priority yet?


I am sure this is not the only cause, because it happens too often for that to be true. I closed my chat tab just now, then reopened by visiting the chat bookmark, and it say (354). But when I closed the tab, I was all up to date, and even though it said (354), no channels were flagging new chat.


Just to clarify, In my case this bug can occur without closing and reopening the window. Just while it’s in the background as you see it in the OP picture. Though having the count track correctly even after reopening would be good too.

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I had never experienced this before, but saw it happen a few minutes ago. The moderator chat tab was open, but I was in a different tab. Then I saw the chat tab go from nothing to 100 in a blink. Took a look, and there were no new chats there. This seems like some kind of reset. The 100 probably represents the number of chats in the window (I didn’t count), and the reset caused them to be treated as new. Does that make sense?


Thanks for the reply. Makes sense. I’m doing a little more experimenting and also waiting to see if someone else can shed some greater light on it.


Probably only @anoek can give us solid answers :stuck_out_tongue:

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Must be inconsistent though, because I just checked and the window title said 577, whereas the chat contained in total 788 lines (I also counted line ‘overflow’ count, which was 3).

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Yes it is a bug. The chat has had the same bug at least since 2014, so it’s not that new or urgent, and it has been reported numerous times during the years ^^

The bug is caused by chat re-loading itself in an un-checked tab, thus making the entire backlog seem as new unread messages.


//Tosses mealworm

Yep… it bugs me too. It’s probably a 5 minute fix, but the only time I really notice it is when I’m in the midst of updating servers or knee deep in other code, so still haven’t gotten around to figuring out what 1-3 lines of code i need to touch to get that fixed :slight_smile: