Got a real problem with these new screens . I am using it on my android mobile so that may be worse).
I usually create a game with 1m + 5x30s 9x9 no handicap, restricted rank, etc.
There is now a single screen which is very cluttered to scroll down to find the custom game part. Even then:
- button fonts are too big
- a big blue play panel/button persists while waiting for a game (which isn’t relevant)
- far too much space is wasted on the small mobile screen on the standard game settings.
I get that I am used to how it was but this just seems painful.
The 2nd to last update was better with separate tabs for standard and custom games but that wasn’t obvious.
Perhaps when clicking Find Game, a simple two buttons saying standard vs customer game. Or the standard game screen comes up with a button right at the top to switch to custom game.
Anyway - I hope it is revised soon.
Interested in everyone else’s thoughts.