OAUTH2 Endpoint keeps throwing MethodNotAllowed (405) or 400 (grant type invalid)

I’ve tried everything I can think of, and nothing seems to make this work.

I’ve tried everything in this post, and anything else I can get my hands on. Finally, I tried a curl command, and I’m getting something new:

{"error": "unsupported_grant_type"}400

Here’s my curl (sanitized, obviously):

curl -X POST -d 'password={}&client_id={}j&username=b4ux1t3&grant_type=password' -vi -w "%{http_code}" -L https://beta.online-go.com/oauth2/token

Am I missing something obvious here?

EDIT: For the record, here’s the code I’m trying to use. You can see various iterations littered throughout, though they all do similar things.

What does the j do?

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Haha, that’s the last character of my actual client ID, I missed it when I was sanitizing.


So, minor update, I guess? I found the source code for an iPad app that still uses the /api/v0/login endpoint. . .so I’m using that for now.

This is not ideal, because it means I either need to prompt users or store their password and, well, I obviously don’t want to do the latter.

I’m going to put a pin in it and see if I can’t use the JWT that comes from that response for playing games.

Thing is, I really want to provide this API connector as a nuget package for other folks who want to use C#/.NET for connecting to OGS, so I really need to circle back to this eventually.


Well, that doesn’t work. the JWT doesn’t seem to actually work as a bearer token.

I was thinking @benjito might know or some other app creators like @MrAlex , @HongAnhKhoa or @wolfeystudios

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Ooo, Mr Alex writes the android app I use, and following his posts, it’s open source. That’s one I haven’t looked at yet. To GitHub!

Could you share code as text (or as a github repo) instead of screenshot? Some important information is obscured by an IDE popover.

You can use triple backticks (```) to format code

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Ah I see the curl request, but I don’t see what’s wrong with it. Is it possible to set client type as well?

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Ha! I was in the middle of typing that the curl command was a direct copy of the code’s values.

I did try public (as a grant type in the app config), but I don’t remember if I tried it with everything else wired up correctly, too.

I will try again tonight, in a little bit.

If that’s it, I’m going to face-palm pretty hard.

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Here’s another thread, including some working JS code.

Sorry I can’t be of more help! This API auth has been the cause of headache for so many haha


Yeah, no worries. Auth is… Well, it’s hard. Even good technologies don’t make it all that much easier.

Hopefully once I get it working I can just abstract it away for anyone who wants to work in dotnet.

Rhanks for the replies!

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No problem! One more thought- double check you’ve got your client registered at beta.online-go.com if you’re trying to talk to the beta server. Beta and Prod are separate


That may actually be what’s going on. I don’t remember if I verified that last night. :grimacing:

The good news is that that wasn’t the problem, and also I’m now replicating the BadRequest from the curl command in code.

The bad news… Well yeah.


Man, this is really bizarre.

I have copied the format of the linked thread exactly:

  "client_id": "{}",
  "grant_type": "password",
  "username": "b4ux1t3",
  "password": "{}"

And I still just get back:

  "error": "unsupported_grant_type"

Put my settings the way they have them in the post:

Still no good. I even tried leaving off the client ID. Still the grant type error.

I gotta sleep on this.

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I have resolved the issue. It was. . .dumb.

I wasn’t setting a content-type for the post request. I was assuming that that header would be set by the library I’m using, and it wasn’t. :man_facepalming:

I used url-encoded, but I’m pretty sure it’d work even if I went back to sending a JSON-based request; I’d just need to set the header. I’m considering putting in a bug report to the library, because this feels like the sort of thing that should be handled automatically (as it is in similar libraries in other ecosystems).

Thanks go to @mikusai for having their own, unrelated problem, but who shared their auth code and made me think about the header: Trying to upload an SGF but it doesn't work. Please help!

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