OGS June Team League

In my timezone (utc + 2) its 10 pm.


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Ok, look forward to it.

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Game with @DGF.EELT will have to be rescheduled, something came up. Later the same day if it’s OK with them, or we’ll find another day.

Since I have a laptop again now, I’m again asking if @Samraku or @Notbiased or @ngothonghy would like to play our Board 2 games.

I haven’t actually seen Samraku around lately. Hopefully he’s OK.

Going to be playing NotBiased on stream around 30m from now.

Edit: delayed due to tech issues, will be happening shortly.

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The opening was interesting.

It’s a komiless game and White is up by one or two points, according to the bot. Of course, point count matters very little in a position like this.


Since it is a handicap game, if white is up 1-2 point now, it pretty much means black is already lost.

I did not say that. This is what I learned from the first 10 pages of The breakthrough to Shodan. :smiley:

My take is anyone can build a big moyo in opening. When one decides to take high position, the other side does not have any choice. It’s how to play after complicated and interesting.

Anyone seen @DGF.EELT?

Edit: I don’t think my opponent is coming… maybe @Chinitsu can help.

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I’m contacting him :slight_smile:


Update: we’re playing now


Jiveo vs Battleprez


One more game left?

Danjosely vs Battleprez

There are 47 game entries in the table, but all in all there should be 60 games right? So a lot of games are missing from the table …

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Oh right, my bad.

I’m wondering which games are missing from the table, and have they already been played or not?

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OGS Team League BattlePrez vs danjosely (danjosely W+R).