OGS on Android mobile having problems displaying game history

I am viewing OGS on mobile Chrome v77.0.3865.73 using Android 9.

Up until last weekend, OGS was performing fine, and then I noticed that it’s having a problem displaying games, but only when you use the bottom game menu to review a game from the beginning. Please note that this applies to both

  • games that are currently ongoing, and
  • games that are competed / scored, etc.

So, most of the site still works - meaning I can view games that are in progress, both on the /observe-games page, and drilling down into individual games.

However, if I go into any one individual game, and use the |<< key at the bottom to rewind to the beginning of the game, the board display will go completely blank. Sometimes the 19x19 grid will refresh and pop back up, and sometimes it will just stay a completely blank board with no stones and no grid.

When I try to review a completed game - say from my own SGF collection on OGS - then I get the grid and I get the AI review markings for possible move, best move, actual move, etc – but there are no stones displayed.

When I try to review a game in progress - most of the time I get no grid and no stones at all. Sometimes the grid will pop up, and I will get empty white or black circles indicating where a particular move landed in the correct order, but again, no stones.

I believe that this problem only started on September 12th or 13th (Friday the 13th maybe? :wink:

It’s not a huge issue, but it does certainly impact my use of the site, as I like to review high level games move-by-move, and now I can only watch them live.

Have there been some mobile changes that were recently applied that might have impacted this functionality?


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Blank board in Analyze Mode

@BHydden’s already submitted an issue report on that, tonybe:

Here’s the ongoing discussion: