OGS Testament? (puzzle ownership succession)

No, I am not depressed or considering suicide. As far as I know I am not terminally ill. I feel fine and am happy. Probably have some good years coming.

But what I am wondering about is what happens with my contributions to OGS - more specifically the puzzles and joeski’s I added to OGS Puzzles page - after I am dead or have stopped my activities on OGS definitively?

Is there a possibility to give permission to others (moderators or someone else) to edit my contributions?

I know that in the settings of a puzzle collection I can give access to others, but is this only to solving puzzles or does it also include the possibility of editing the puzzle collection?

However the allowing access to someone implies that the collection has to be private.

Is there a possibility to allow access to a person and at the same time the collection remains available for everyone else?
If this is possible I would not mind giving access to someone who is interested and reliable.

Well, I hope I have made clear what this is about.

PS: Actually @Groin put me on this track.


I may think that if you have someone interested and reliable, you can just leave him full access to your account. Problem solved.


How do I do that?

Question still stands: Is there a possibility to allow access to a person and at the same time the collection remains available for everyone else?

Not at the moment, but it would make sense if mods could re-assign puzzle “owners” on request (or at least expand the owners so that the original creator would also keep his/her rights for those)

edit: or im not sure if anoek can re-assign those, i just know that neither the puzzle creator nor the moderators can do that.

give your account.

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That would be a great solution

And to my favorite grandchild, I leave my OGS username and password.


Yea puzzle ownership succession is a thing. I sent ovijol a list of Cho Chikun puzzle corrections several moons ago, but he never responded. :frowning:


I wonder what will happen when I send (in a private message) a link of a page where I can edit a puzzle to someone else. Will that person be able to

  • (a) open that page?
  • (b) edit that puzzle?
  • (c) edit also other puzzles in that collection?
  • (d) access other puzzles collection I created?

Is there a mod who is available for a try out of this construction?

Edit: Sofiam and I tried it, but unfortunately this doesn’t work.
Well maybe Anoek can do something.

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