On-Line Go Not Working in New Windows 8 / Chrome Combo

When I load online-go in my new Windows 8 machine with Chrome, it never stops “loading” and I can’t see the list of available games and challenges. I have turned off Windows Firewall. Has anyone had this experience and resolved it?

Probably related to your other malware issue you reported in Cannot Stay Connected


I have also had these problems and they are still unresolved. My console will tell me something about bestdeals and the server will not connect. After spending hours on the manual removal recommended in the linked forum thread, spyhunter does not detect malware present. However the console lines and connection problems persist, it reads:

Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: “https://www.best-deals-products.com/ws/sf_main.jsp?dlsource=hdrykzc”. (index):160
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of null sf_main.jsp?dlsource=hdrykzc:322
This appears to be Chrome ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1709
Welcome to OGS (index):1816
Loading and initialization: 2894 ms ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1255
Device: desktop ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1241
Time to frame 1: 3409 ms ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1255
Time to frame 2: 3535 ms ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1256
[Object] ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1931
Creating game list ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:2086
Scaling necessary: Device pixel ratio: 2.5 background store ratio: 1 ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1760
Starting download at 4671 ms (index):1764
Time to frame 3: 5007 ms ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1256
2894->515->126->1472 tot: 5007 ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1256

and then disconnects:

GET https://a00ce0086bda2213e89f-570db0116da8eb5fdc3ce95006e46d28.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/4.1/ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js.map 404 (Not Found) (index):1810
Disconnected from signaling server ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1714
Disconnected from signaling server ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1714
Disconnected from signaling server ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1714
WebSocket connection to ‘wss://ggs.online-go.com/socket.io/1/websocket/8KcWx92O73rSbLeZK_WS’ failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established. ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:43
Disconnected from signaling server ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1714

Hey sterics,

It is possible that your malware tool is not detecting the extension, but it is still there.

According to your info, you are using Google Chrome, and the malicious script comes from an Extension/Addon.

Here is how you can remove bad extensions in Chrome: (With the example of “Fast Save”)

Hope this helped. If you are unsure, which extension is causing the havoc, disable all and try again. If nothing of this works, respond here and we’ll try to sort it out together. :smiley:


This line means you still have whatever virus / malware it is that’s causing your problems.

Googling best-deals-products virus returns a lot of results on how to remove it, if the first link didn’t work, all I can say is try try again…

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thank you both for the swift replies. I’m constantly trying to locate and get rid of this thing; I have the feeling that it is some script embedded in the computer managing how connections behave. Chrome, firefox (with noscript), and ie cannot connect as well, although firefox could connect the first day it was downloaded. The computer doesn’t show any advertisements labelled best deals or other malware-related activity, so this is some kind of artifact maybe? with all extensions disabled there is no difference. All the browser consoles show similar messages. I hope these help, I can also expand console messages to the straight code in ie:
DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=291337
File: online-go.com
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
File: online-go.com
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property ‘appendChild’ of undefined or null reference
File: sf_main.jsp, Line: 322, Column: 17

The connection to wss://ggs.online-go.com/socket.io/1/websocket/sfkghf37jFyLhkR1LJ8x was interrupted while the page was loading. ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:42
"This appears to be Firefox" ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1708
"Welcome to OGS" online-go.com:1816
"Loading and initialization: " 405 “ms” ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1255
"Device: desktop" ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1241
"Time to frame 1: " 479 “ms” ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1255
"Time to frame 2: " 577 “ms” ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1256
"Time to frame 3: " 643 “ms” ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1256
"405->74->98->66 tot: 643" ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1256
"Starting download at" 1081 “ms” online-go.com:1764
"Authentication credentials were not provided." ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:1727
The connection to wss://ggs.online-go.com/socket.io/1/websocket/sfkghf37jFyLhkR1LJ8x was interrupted while the page was loading. ogs.4.1-279-g5637d17.min.js:42
"Disconnected from signaling server"