Online AI analysis engine

I was just wondering if anyone knew of any browser based AI analysis engines online. Thanks!

Well OGS is such a service of course :slight_smile: we run basic analysis on all games.

If you wanted a full analysis, you would have to become a site supporter.

You might also check out they also have some sort of free basic review, I am not sure about the quality, never tried. The pro reviews can get super pricey though.

You are unlikely to find a completely free full service, running such a strong server to provide such service is not cheap. has a free online tool that is pretty good. I don’t know how strong you are, if you’re a high dan level player it probably won’t be good enough. But for an average player its not bad. The only drawback is it interrupts your analysis for 10 seconds at regular intervals (never actually timed it I think it might be 2-3 minutes). It says this goes away if you buy a premium account.

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ZBaduk is great. Totally worth the price of admission for me. See also my KataGo self-play games thread :slight_smile:

It’s not what you’re asking for, but I’d highly recommend just downloading the latest version of lizzie, which can be found here:

It’s free and very easy to set up (just download it and run it). It comes packaged with both lz and katago as engines, both of which are strong enough for any analysis you’d want to do. The interface is easy to use and lets you both see the optimal moves based on win percentage throughout the game and explore any potential branches you’re curious about.