Online board for teaching/learning?

Can anyone share a link to an online go board suitable for teaching/learning? Most boards (including OGS Demo Games) have an awkward switch of control in order for two people to show each other move sequences. Looking for something less frustrating and a bit closer to a real board and stones, for teaching/learning.

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This is technically possible here on OGS if two users log into the same account. (I had used such a setup for rengo games before rengo was implemented.)

The OGS Terms of Service do not expressly prohibit account sharing for teaching purposes. The Terms only place responsibility for account info and activities with each user:


Is this still the official method for a shared teaching game using a demo board? I just tested with myself with a demo board open in two browser sessions (to simulate two people sharing an account) and you have to refresh the page between moves, I think

Would be sweet if the demo board could get updates automatically like a live game, but I imagine could possible be not simple to change

It would be so much fun if OGS added support for teaching. Such support would start with a simple simulation of a go board and stones, such that either the teacher or student could place stones anywhere at any time and both sides were guaranteed to see the same board without the need for intervention, such as clicking an icon. Then it would add the usual editing buttons that allow teacher and student to mark moves in either color or in alternating colors, manipulate the game move record, estimate score, convert into a real game at this point, etc. I don’t think any additional programming would be needed to save all the moves and comments made in the teaching session into a local file. Later, support could be added for offering or requesting such teaching sessions, and maybe even handling payments from student to teacher, with a percentage going to OGS. I would love and use such a teaching facility.