Open Source OGS?

I think you are wrong about that (sorry to be blunt about it :smiley: )

If you are considering new interfaces for a go server backend, you are up for a new front end as well.

The only practical way to make a new backend for OGS, as far as I can see, is to write one that supports the existing interfaces of the current back end. My impression of how these are integrated is that the front end depends critically on how the existing interfaces are - it’s not amenable for a port to some other interface.


The subject of web-development seems to suffer from a chicken-and-egg problem—maybe not for people who learn it at school but for the rest of us—I can’t do interesting things until I’ve learned enough but it’s hard to feel motivated until facing an interesting problem.

This might help:

Not as a textbook but something that piques interest and maybe teaches a few concepts by assimilation. Most readers probably wouldn’t go on to study web-dev but it should help us understand the site and the dev people better.

If a person already has the skill and general idea of the site (see above), the person might only need to be enthusiastic about a feature to contribute.

Let me confess that I’m guilty as charged.

Some points I found interesting:

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