Opponent rank settings bug

Whenever I set opponent rank as +x, I seem to always get players who are weaker than me.

Does this happen to anyone else? It’s fine when I create a custom game and limit rank. Mabye the devs added 5 ranks on the kyu instead of subtracting?



Yes. For me too. I have the restriction on ±3 and I got two times someone with 5 stones handicap advantage.

As @Atorrante shows you have to put plus and minus., and was not done in the OP screenshot

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Hi. Thanks.
I dont see whats wrong with the OP screenshot. Do you mean the number must be negative in order to make this work?

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But, why though? I don’t see any reason why a -3/+3 range would be valid but not 0/+5


You re welcome.
Well, yes, doesn’t seem to work in the proper way.

@anoek would probably the one who could explain