Option to add outline to custom black stones?

Hello (first post so correct me on any wrongdoings),

I was messing around with the custom colors for the board and stones and trying to figure out a good setup for a dark theme. I noticed that the custom light stones always come with an outline of the opponent color, probably because light color boards are the norm. The dark stones, however, have no outline and no option to add one. This makes them less visible on dark boards.

I think it would offer greater freedom for color customization, for the stones and the board, if you were given the option to add or remove the outlines from the custom stones. Does this seem doable?


Can’t you just make an image of a light stone with a dark border and use that?

For what I understood, it’s the reverse, OP wants a set of dark stones surrounded by some white outline to play on a dark board.

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I was going to say:

" OK. Can’t you just make an image of a dark stone surrounded by a white outline?"

Then I re-read this:

What outlines? We don’t put outlines on custom stones, do we?

(If we do, that’s new, and it sounds like a bug, because not all custom stones are even round)

There was a discussion about outlines around the white stones (I guess linked to the new SVG format) here in the forum not long ago.

I believe they are talking about custom color, not custom image (from URL). Just checked, and there does appear to be an asymmetry there - “white” stones have an outline, but “black” stones don’t.