Option to hide a specific user's profile picture

It would be nice to be able to hide the profile picture from specific users. This came up today as one player has a profile picture of a spider. Nothing wrong with that. I just have a really strong arachnophobia, so currently my only option is to not play them.


Seems like a reasonable request. I wonder how hard that would be. Certainly seems possible from the front end only so shouldn’t be too hard to get through. Thoughts @benjito ?

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Zen mode might be a decent workaround in some situations.


You could do this using ad-blocker plugins of browsers, they typically add an option to the right-click menu of elements in the page “Block element”. uBlock Origin I use does this.


Does that work on the user level though or would they need to block all profile pictures?

User level, it just blocks that url. Game page image and profile page image are different urls so need to block both.


Technically simple to implement, but I think @Uberdude’s suggestion is the way to go (OGS cockpit meme and all that)



^^^ I wonder if that is some sort of meta joke at the time, or whether the actual image disappeared?

It doesn’t show for me anymore.

I was trying to find out whether Uberdude was agreeing or disagreeing with the suggestion that avoiding cockpit controls is something we should worry about :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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That option would make more sense as setting in browser or by using some extension. Image of spider may be on ANY site.

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You could probably get an AI based visual-content filter, these days…