Nice hat!
Have you figured out how to do the fractional stones yet?
Reminder @ArsenLapin1 @fuseki3 @Jon_Ko @Feijoa @mafidufa
Apparently connecting to the stone on the fourth line was less obvious than I thought.
@mafidufa I’m going to take that black chains last liberty, so please feel free to play elsewhere.
Hmm ! I considered posting that I’d atari the chain in the centre or give a specific coordinate to team-capture that group with our teammates, but didn’t expect the self-atari to happen somehow, haha ! ^^
Anyway, I like the hat guessing game.
Round 37
What happened?
WhiteBlue: cut at G7
WhiteGreen: cut at S4
WhiteMagenta: capture at O15?
BlackBlue: atari at F3
BlackGreen: atari at J17
BlackMagenta: autocapture at O15?
Yes, I played O15 too.
Why? Guess or read here
It gave the black chain a new stone and thus it could have been saved by capturing the purple chain at N11 that doesn’t have a new stone.
I don’t know if @martin3141 was aware of that, but if I had brought it up, the chance would have been gone. I thought it was acceptable to give up one additional stone, if it fails.
Ooooooooooooh I hadn’t thought of that
I was looking at playing N11 as a way of saving the four stones but saw that the magenta chain still died.
I had thought for sure there would be a play at N11 in any case.
I was aware of the possibility. I thought the risk was acceptable, and I priortised avoiding a collision with my teammate.
Then that was basically a trick play?
Why? As I see it, in that last position, filling the last liberty of the black chain is a move with a good fail case. The local worst-case scenario is that team Black invests two moves to turn the situation around, which is very similar to the scenario where team White does not try to capture, and team Black captures with one move (in both cases, team Black invests one more move than team White locally).
I guess it depends on whether not capturing was a valid option, but you’re probably right.
My reasoning for calling it a trick play was: You we’re consciously playing a move that wouldn’t have worked, if the opponent responded correctly.
Aren’t all moves trick moves in simultaneous go then? I am always hoping for the wrong “response” to mine.
That depends on whether or not you would say that “the move doesn’t work” in the scenario where Black plays two moves to capture White.
In any case, my intention was not to play a trick move.
Then it was certainly not a trick move.