It’s all well and good to say “anyone can do it.” It’s been 8 years, that doesn’t seem to be enough. We need some people to step up and say, “I’m going to do it.”
I can’t do it. I don’t have the skills, but I can help support and encourage those who can. I would like to start an open conversation with people in the know, and hash out a plan to get this taken care of.
I don’t know who has experience working on OGS code, but here are some people that at least have “OGS Team” in their bio, and have showed interest in this thread: @Anoek, @BHydden, @Eugene, @trohde
To these people: Who else has the skills to help?
To those with the skills: How can the community support you to get this feature shipped?
I do! : D Thank your for making a fix! I hope it comes through quickly.
I appreciate your help! I poked around a little in the thing for OGS on…, and I looked through the Issue Tracker. I guess it works like your todo list.
Is there an Issue for this feature? Can we make one?
I don’t think OGS users ought to be required to have a GitHub account when bringing up concerns about the site.
It would be less effort (to my knowledge) for someone that already has a GitHub account to make an issue.
What benefit is there in requiring someone to do something that would be more difficult for them than it would be for you?
Of course not @benjito, but when you say “why not do it yourself?”, it feels like you’re saying it’s my responsibility to do it. In other words, that I am required to do it.
I worry that there may be a similar feeling on your side of the conversation, though that is not my intention.
I think we’re talking past each other.
I think that having an Issue in GitHub (that developers can see) easily visible on the forums (that non-developers can see), will raise the chances of someone with motivation and skills seeing this Issue and resolving it.
It turns out that an Issue for this feature already exists. It has been closed due to lack of activity.
Would it help visibility on the developer side if it was re-opened?
Does anyone think re-opening it is a bad idea?
You’re not required to do it, but you’re the one that wants it done. If you’re not willing to take small steps to action your own desire, why do you think others should have to go out of their way to do it for you?
The thing about volunteer programmers, is they basically only work on the features they personally want.
An occasional exception is when someone comes along and says “I’ve done all I can in pursuit of this goal, but I don’t know what to do next.”
Then one might point them in the right direction and also help out a little.
Almost universally the person who only wants to ask for things but won’t take even the smallest affirmative action simply won’t attract any interest in their cause.
Opening a GitHub account if a new issue needed making would have been a small step you could have taken, instead you took exception to the suggested course to proceed with your goal.
However, finding the existing issue was good. Well done.